Saturday, 17 October 2020

Tailor-made for you....

They told us to never look back,  we were taught sorrow doesn't last a lifetime. But we were never taught how to deal with sorrow itself. We taught ourselves how to deal with our problems. Some ran away from their problems, for the ones who fight their demons always lose. Some embraced their demons, accepting them for what they are. But they are not winners either. For they can't see past the dark cloud they are under.

Does accepting one's problem or sorrow make it go away? Nope. Accepting your demons, doesn't make them go away. If anything, they get comfortable. They revel in your anxiety attacks, insomnia, chronic depression and over thinking.

Well, should we run from our problems?
Has anyone ever succeeded in running away from their problems?
I believe running away from ones problem is like  ignoring a fire burning on your body. You can ignore it all you want, but it won't stop till it's done burning you to ashes.

It's a loop actually, I see it as running in a cycle. It revels in you popping anti depressants, your drug abuse, the liquor you drown it and sorrow you puff away. It gets worse,  when a deeper low hits you after getting addicted highs from the substances. It's like covering shit in gold. It's just a shiny shit. And when the gold is peeled off, the thing that keeps you running surfaces. So, you... get high again on people, substances or whatever you've found as a helping tool to run from your problems.

Fighting your demons, Is an overused phrase. And like a phrase is, it's incomplete. You can't fight your demons. Yes, you read that right.
And I know you've heard that enough for it to sound believable.

Okay... Check this out;

''To fight your demons is to fight oneself.
And to fight oneself is the biggest battle there is"

Know this, and know peace. Or whatever your idea of peace is. Also, know that you're not flawless, you are bound to err. As human beings we are bound to always make mistakes. Beaten oneself up over what you cannot change or not forgiving oneself for slipping into bad habits you swore off isn't going to win your demons over.

An example is a person who went through drug rehabilitation and later relapsed. Such person fought and lost, should we attribute that to brittle spirit or our weakness as humans to commit errors.
Life beats us down, and while we are down. It kicks us too. That's life. It. Just. Sucks.

Whether you're Rich, Poor, Short, Tall, Thin, Fat, White, Brown or Black.
Your life problems are tailored for you.

Fight it. Embrace it. Run from it.  They are your demons. And they are tailor-made for you.

Jawondo Jr
October 15 2020

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