Friday, 2 June 2017


You are the exception to my general rule
Your smile lit up your beautiful  face
I love how your mind works
Your intelligence amazes me
It's like you came from outer space

I cherish every moment with you
Anything for you I'll do
You bring out the best in me
I was busy gazing at the stars
I never knew the moon existed

You bring happiness to me
As the sun warms the earth
For you I'll kill for
For you I'll die for
For you I'll live for

You are my sparks
You light up my world
Your are the ocean
That I'm willing to drown in
You complete me

You are my muse
The light in the dark
The female version of me
I just want you to know
I wrote this for your heart only.

Jawondo Jr

John wick quote

"Tell them, tell them all.  Whoever comes, whoever it is, I'll kill them. I'll kill them all"

John wick (chapter two).

From a book i may never finish.

From a book i may never finish.

The intro

As the couple stand at the altar, one could see tears dripping from their eyes. You wonder what would make them both cry.

The only conclusion your brain could draw is that they deeply love each other,
both happy they are getting married.  Well,  that can be one of the possibilities for many couples to cry.

But, theirs was different. The memories of the struggle they had gone through, hit them like a tornado. As they both watch their respective parents sit in the church front sit and watch them get married they couldn't help but cry.

Well, for this present day to have come to pass, they broke religion and tribal barriers. They shattered hopes and followed their heart. 

This is the story of two uncommon connections,  this is the story of beautiful lies and ugly truths.

Jawondo jr.

An Old friend

The book yearns for my pen
My ink beggs to be used
My hand is heavy from neglect
My mind aspires to produce
But my coconut head won't budge

What is wrong with me?
I manage to ask
It is me your old friend: said a voice
Old friend who?
Writer's block and I have come to stay.


Sleep, and dream no more my child
For the world shall miss you not.
You left without learning to say goodbye
You came to this world
But couldn't see nor conquer
This unforgiving world

I carried you for nine months
And you paid me back by leaving?
For you I lactated
Now my breast milk is wasted
Your cradle longed to house you
Yet there it lays empty

Why didn't you stay?
Oh why?
Why did you leave?
Am I not fit to be a mother?
The world knew I was pregnant
But I have nothing to show for it

Iya Abiku they call me
Why did you let me be?
Go and come back to stay
For you are Abiku
The child who have come
But not to stay.

Worldly travails

Lies my mother told me
Bitter truths the world showed me
Friends gossip with me
And when i'm gone
They gossip about me.

The old want to be young
The young want to become adults
Death lurks around the corner
Religious crises followed suit
Over speeding drivers, came to help.

From a dark womb we came
Society teaches us about shame
It taught us how to play the blame game.
Now, we'll do anything for fame
And he'll kill for a dame